Lustige Sms Sprüche / Englisch / Seite 17

In der Kategorie "Englisch" befinden sich zur Zeit 328 Sms Sprüche.

Sms Spruch vom 15.01.2009

2 people can love,like or hate each other but there feelings tell them the right way and you should always listen to your heart and not to your head!

Sms Spruch vom 14.01.2009

Djecaci su seljaci, misle da je Ljubav pljuni pa baci!

Sms Spruch vom 14.01.2009

Love is like a piece of Gold, hard to find and hard to hold!

Sms Spruch vom 14.01.2009

It only takes a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone & a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

Sms Spruch vom 13.01.2009

I can´t be happy without you and i hope you can´t be happy without me I´m not happy without you and i hope you feel so too!

Sms Spruch vom 13.01.2009

You never get a second chance to make a first impression!!

Sms Spruch vom 13.01.2009

Americans have: George Bush; Steve Wonder; Bob Hope; Jonny Cash! Austrians have: Thomas Klestil; NO Wonder; NO Hope; NO Cash

Sms Spruch vom 12.01.2009

There is somebody in the world. Diferent from the rest. The sweetest person I know. That is why I love you so.

Sms Spruch vom 12.01.2009

There is a gift that gold cannot buy, a blessing dats rare & true, dats the gift of a wonderful friend like the friend dat i have in u!

Sms Spruch vom 12.01.2009

It´s easy to say: I love you! It´s easy to say: I need you! But it´s difficult to say: Good bye forever!

Sms Spruch vom 11.01.2009

To my love: I miss your love, I miss your kisses I miss your love, but the most I miss is you,do you miss me too ?

Sms Spruch vom 09.01.2009

Errare humanum est! (Irren ist menschlich!)